8.8. Computing on the Cloud References#

WRF Cloud Computing Paper

8.8.1. AWS High Performance Computing (HPC) Lens for the AWS Well-Architected Framework#

AWS High Performance Computing (HPC) Lens for the AWS Well-Architected Framework

8.8.2. HPC on AWS - WRF (uses cfnCluster - older version of Parallel Cluster#


8.8.3. WRF on Parallel Cluster#

A Scientist Guide to Cloud-HPC: Example with AWS ParallelCluster, Slurm, Spack, and WRF

8.8.4. Advancing Large Scale Weather and Climate Modeling Data in the Cloud#

AWS and Intel Research Webinar Series: Advancing the large scale weather and climate modeling data in the cloud

8.8.5. AWS Well-Architected Framework#

AWS Well-Architected Framework

8.8.6. Cost Comparison on-premisis and cloud#

WRF Performance on Google Cloud

<a href=ā€¯https://journal.fluidnumerics.com/comparing-on-premise-and-cloud-costs-for-high-performance-computing>Comparing on-premise and cloud costs for hpc