5.1.1. Install Software and run CMAQv5.3.3 on c6a.2xlarge for the 2016_12US3 Benchmark#

Instructions are provided to build and install CMAQ on c6a.2xlarge compute node installed from Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-1031-aws x86_64) Image that contains modules for git, openmpi and gcc. The compute node does not have a SLURM scheduler on it, so jobs are run interactively from the command line.

Instructions to install data and CMAQ libraries and model are provided along with sample run scripts to run CMAQ on 4 processors on a single c6a.2xlarge instance.

This will provide users with experience using the AWS Console to create a Virtual Machine, select Operating System, select the size of the VM as c6a.2xlarge vcpus, 8 GiB memory, using an SSH private key to login and install and run CMAQ.

Using this method, the user needs to be careful to start and stop the Virtual Machine and only have it run while doing the intial installation, and while running CMAQ. The full c6a.2xlarge instance will incur charges as long as it is on, even if a job isn’t running on it.

This is different than the Parallel Cluster, where if CMAQ is not running in the queue, then the Compute nodes are down, and not incurring costs.

Build CMAQv5.3.3 on c6a.2xlarge EC2 instance#

Create a c6a.xlarge Virtual Machine#

  1. Login to AWS Console

  2. Select Get Started with EC2

  3. Select Launch Instance

  4. Application and OS (Operating System) Images: Select Ubunutu 22.04 LTS(HVM), SSD Volume Type (the version of OS determines what packages are available from apt-get and that determines the version of software obtained, ie. cdo version > 2.0 for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, or cdo version < 2.0 for Ubuntu 18.04.

  5. Instance Type: Select c6a.2xlarge ($0.xxx/hr)

  6. Key pair - SSH public key, select existing key or create a new one.

  7. Network settings - select default settings

  8. Configure storage - select 100 GiB gp3 Root volume

  9. Select Launch instance

AWS EC2 Console

Login to the Virtual Machine#

Change the permissions on the public key using command

chmod 400  [your-key-name].pem

Login to the Virtual Machine using ssh to the IP address using the public key.

ssh -Y -i ./xxxxxxx_key.pem ubuntu@xx.xx.xx.xx

Make the /shared directory#

sudo mkdir /shared

Change the group and ownership of the shared directory#

sudo chown ubuntu /shared
sudo chgrp ubuntu /shared

Change directories and verify that you see the /shared directory with Size of 100 GB

cd /shared

df -h


df -h
Filesystem       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root         97G  1.6G   96G   2% /
tmpfs             16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs            6.2G  876K  6.2G   1% /run
tmpfs            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/nvme0n1p15  105M  6.1M   99M   6% /boot/efi
tmpfs            3.1G  4.0K  3.1G   1% /run/user/1000

Create subdirectories on /shared#

Create a /shared/build and /shared/data directory

cd /shared
mkdir build
mkdir data

Check operating system version#

lsb_release -a


No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Release:	22.04
Codename:	jammy

Install Environment Modules#

sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install environment-modules

Logout and then log back in to activate modules command#

Verify module command works#

 module list


No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.

module avail


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /usr/share/modules/modulefiles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dot  module-git  module-info  modules  null  use.own  

Set up build environment#

Load the git module

module load module-git

If you do not see git available as a module, you may need to install it as follows:

sudo apt-get install git

Install Compilers and OpenMPI#

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-9
sudo apt-get  install gfortran-9
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin openmpi-common libopenmpi-dev libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install tcsh

Change shell to use tcsh#

sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/tcsh ubuntu

Logout and log back in, then check the shell#

echo $SHELL



Check available versions of compiler#

dpkg --list | grep compiler

Choose gcc-9 and gfortran-9 as default compilers#

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-9 9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gfortran gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran-9 9

Check version of gcc#

gcc --version


gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 9.5.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 9.5.0

Check version of gfortran#

gfortran --version


GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.5.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 9.5.0

Check version of OpenMPI#

mpirun --version


mpirun (Open MPI) 4.1.2

Install Parallel Cluster CMAQ Repo#

cd /shared

git clone -b main https://github.com/CMASCenter/pcluster-cmaq.git

Install and build netcdf C, netcdf Fortran, I/O API, and CMAQ#

cd /shared/pcluster-cmaq/install

Install netcdf-C and netcdf-Fortran#

./gcc_netcdf_singlevm.csh |& tee ./gcc_netcdf_singlevm.log

If successful, you will see the following output, that at the bottom shows what versions of the netCDF library were installed.

| Congratulations! You have successfully installed the netCDF |
| Fortran libraries.                                          |
|                                                             |
| You can use script "nf-config" to find out the relevant     |
| compiler options to build your application. Enter           |
|                                                             |
|     nf-config --help                                        |
|                                                             |
| for additional information.                                 |
|                                                             |
| CAUTION:                                                    |
|                                                             |
| If you have not already run "make check", then we strongly  |
| recommend you do so. It does not take very long.            |
|                                                             |
| Before using netCDF to store important data, test your      |
| build with "make check".                                    |
|                                                             |
| NetCDF is tested nightly on many platforms at Unidata       |
| but your platform is probably different in some ways.       |
|                                                             |
| If any tests fail, please see the netCDF web site:          |
| https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/                |
|                                                             |
| NetCDF is developed and maintained at the Unidata Program   |
| Center. Unidata provides a broad array of data and software |
| tools for use in geoscience education and research.         |
| https://www.unidata.ucar.edu                                 |

make[3]: Leaving directory '/shared/build/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4'
make[2]: Leaving directory '/shared/build/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/shared/build/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4'
netCDF 4.8.1
netCDF-Fortran 4.5.3

Install I/O API

./gcc_ioapi_singlevm.csh |& tee ./gcc_ioapi_singlevm.log

Find what operating system is on the system:

cat /etc/os-release


PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS"
VERSION="22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

Copy a file to set paths#

cd /shared/pcluster-cmaq/install

cp dot.cshrc.singlevm ~/.cshrc

Exit cluster and log back in to activate the update shell, or use csh#

Create Custom Environment Module for Libraries#

There are two steps required to create your own custome module:

  1. write a module file

  2. add a line to your ~/.cshrc to update the MODULEPATH

Create a new custom module that will be loaded with:

module load ioapi-3.2/gcc-9.5-netcdf

Step 1: Create the module file for ioapi-3.2.

First, create a path to store the module file. The path must contain /Modules/modulefiles/ and should have the general form //Modules/modulefiles// where is typically numerical and is the actual module file.

mkdir -p /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles/ioapi-3.2

Next, create the module file and save it in the directory above.

cd /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles/ioapi-3.2
vim gcc-9.5-netcdf

Contents of gcc-9.5-netcdf:

proc ModulesHelp { } {
   puts stderr "This module adds ioapi-3.2/gcc-9.5 to your path"

module-whatis "This module adds ioapi-3.2/gcc-9.5 to your path\n"

set basedir "/shared/build/ioapi-3.2/"
prepend-path PATH "${basedir}/Linux2_x86_64gfort"
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${basedir}/ioapi/fixed_src"

The example module file above sets two evironment variables.

The modules update the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Step 2. Create the module file for netcdf-4.8.1

mkdir -p /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles/netcdf-4.8.1

Next, create the module file and save it in the directory above.

cd /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles/netcdf-4.8.1
vim gcc-9.5

Contents of gcc-9.5

proc ModulesHelp { } {
   puts stderr "This module adds netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.5 to your path"

module-whatis "This module adds netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.5 to your path\n"

set basedir "/shared/build/netcdf"
prepend-path PATH "${basedir}/bin"
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${basedir}/lib"
module load mpi/openmpi-4.1.2

Step 3. Create the module file for mpi

mkdir -p /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles/mpi

Next, create the module file and save it in the directory above.

cd /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles/mpi
vim openmpi-4.1.2

Contents of openmpi-4.1.2

proc ModulesHelp { } {
   puts stderr "This module adds mpi/openmpi-4.1.2 to your path"

module-whatis "This module adds mpi/openmpi-4.1.2 to your path\n"

set basedir "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/"
prepend-path PATH "/usr/bin/"
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${basedir}/lib"

Step 4: Add the module path to MODULEPATH.

Now that the module file has been created, add the following line to your ~/.cshrc file so that it can be found:

module use --append /shared/build/Modules/modulefiles

Step 5: View the modules available after creation of the new module

The module avail command shows the paths to the module files on a given cluster.

module avail


ioapi-3.2/gcc-9.5-netcdf  mpi/openmpi-4.1.2  netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.5 

Step 4: Load the new modules

ioapi-3.2/gcc-9.5-netcdf  mpi/openmpi-4.1.2  netcdf-4.8.1/gcc-9.5 

Find path for openmpi libraries#

ompi_info --path libdir


 Libdir: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib

Find path for include files for openmpi#

ompi_info --path incdir


Incdir: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include

Edit the config_cmaq_singlevm.csh script to specify the paths for OpenMPI#

Note, search for case gcc so that you edit the section of the file that is using the gcc compiler.

       setenv MPI_INCL_DIR     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include              #> MPI Include directory path
        setenv MPI_LIB_DIR     /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib             #> MPI Lib directory path

Install Python#

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

Check Version

python3 --version
Python 3.10.6
ip-172-31-27-148:/shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54+/CCTM/scripts> python3 -m pip --version
pip 22.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)

Install jupyter notebook.#

pip install jupyterlab

Install and Build CMAQ#

cd /shared/pcluster-cmaq/install
./gcc_cmaq533_singlevm.csh |& tee ./.gcc_cmaq533_singlevm.log

Add compile option to makefile to get beyond a type mismatch error (note, this is only needed if you were using the gcc-11 compiler.#

SKIP this step.

Add the following to the compile option: -fallow-argument-mismatch

cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54+/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v54_gcc
vi Makefile.gcc


 FSTD = -fallow-argument-mismatch -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -ftree-vectorize  -ftree-loop-if-convert -finline-limit=512

Run make again#

make |& tee Make.log

Verfify that the executable was successfully built.

ls  /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts/BLD_CCTM_v533_gcc/*.exe



Check to see what scripts are available#

cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts

List the scripts available

ls -rlt *.csh*


-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 34318 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_Bench_2011_12SE1.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 32649 Jul 19 17:47 bldit_cctm.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 36130 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_2016_12US1.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 36850 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_2015_HEMI.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 34948 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_2014_12US1.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 34262 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_2011_12US1.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 35242 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_2010_4CALIF1.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 49472 Jul 19 17:47 run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.WRFCMAQ.csh
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu 35799 Jul 19 18:43 run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.csh

Download the Input data from the S3 Bucket#

Install aws command line#

see Install AWS CLI

cd /shared/build

curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"

Install unzip and unzip file#

sudo apt install zip

/usr/bin/unzip awscliv2.zip

sudo ./aws/install


You can now run: /usr/local/bin/aws --version

Note, you will need to add this path to your .cshrc

Edit .cshrc#

vi ~/.cshrc

add the following to the path /usr/local/bin


# start .cshrc

umask 002

if ( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /shared/build/netcdf/lib
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/shared/build/netcdf/lib

set path = ($path /shared/build/netcdf/bin /shared/build/ioapi-3.2/Linux2_x86_64gfort /opt/slurm/bin/ /usr/local/bin/ )

if ($?tcsh) then
   source /usr/share/modules/init/tcsh
   source /usr/share/modules/init/csh

Install the input data using the s3 script#

need scriptable method to obtain 12SE1 benchmark

Note, this Virtual Machine does not have Slurm installed or configured.

Run CMAQ interactively using the following command:#

First check to see how many cpus you have available on the machine.#



CPU(s):                  4
  On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3

Verify that the run script is set to run on 4 cpus

   @ NPCOL  =  2; @ NPROW =  2

cd /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v533/CCTM/scripts

`./run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.csh |& tee ./run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.log

When the run has completed, record the timing of the two day benchmark.

tail -n 30  run_cctm_Bench_2016_12SE1.log

Output on 4 cores

  ***** CMAQ TIMING REPORT *****
Start Day: 2016-07-01
End Day:   2016-07-01
Number of Simulation Days: 1
Domain Name:               2016_12SE1
Number of Grid Cells:      280000  (ROW x COL x LAY)
Number of Layers:          35
Number of Processes:       4
   All times are in seconds.

Num  Day        Wall Time
01   2016-07-01   2083.32
     Total Time = 2083.32
      Avg. Time = 2083.32