9.1. Future Work#

AWS ParallelCluster

  • Create yaml and software install scripts for intel compiler

  • Benchmark 2 day case using intel compiler version of CMAQ and compare to GCC timings

  • Repeat Benchmark Runs using c6gn.16xlarge compute nodes AMD Graviton and compare to Azure Cycle Cloud HBV3 compute nodes.

  • Create script for installing all software and R packages as a custom bootstrap as the ParallelCluster is created.

  • Create method to automatically checkpoint and save a job prior to it being bumped from the schedule if running on spot instances.

  • Set up an additional slurm queue that uses a smaller compute node to do the post-processing and learn how to submit the post processing jobs to this queue, rather than running them on the head node.

  • Install software using SPACK

  • Install netCDF-4 compressed version of I/O API Library and set up environment module to compile and run CMAQ for 2018_12US1 data that is nc4 compressed


  • Create instructions on how to create a ParallelCluster using encrypted ebs volume and snapshot.