5.1.1. Scripts to run combine and post processing#

Build the POST processing routines#

Instructions on how to Post-process CMAQ using the utilities under the POST directory


The post-processing analysis is run on the head node.

Verify that the compute nodes are no longer running if you have completed all of the benchmark runs


You should see that no jobs are running.

Show compute nodes

scontrol show nodes

Edit, Build, and Run the POST processing routines#

setenv DIR /shared/build/openmpi_gcc/CMAQ_v54+/

cd $DIR/POST/combine/scripts

sed -i 's/v54/v54+/g' bldit_combine.csh
./bldit_combine.csh gcc |& tee bldit_combine.log
cp run_combine.csh run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/v54/v54+/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/Bench_2016_12SE1/2018_12US1_2x64_classic/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/intel/gcc/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/cb6r3_ae7_aq/cb6r5_ae7_aq/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/2016-07-01/2017-12-22/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/2016-07-14/2017-12-23/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/${VRSN}_${compilerString}_${APPL}/${VRSN}_${MECH}_${compilerString}_${APPL}/g' run_combine_12US1.csh
setenv CMAQ_DATA /fsx/data

cp run_calc_tmetric.csh run_calc_tmetric_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/Bench_2016_12SE1/2018_12US1_2x64_classic/g' run_calc_tmetric_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/intel/gcc/g' run_calc_tmetric_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/201607/201712/g' run_calc_tmetric_12US1.csh
setenv CMAQ_DATA /fsx/data

cd $DIR/POST/hr2day/scripts

cp run_hr2day.csh run_hr2day_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/Bench_2016_12SE1/2018_12US1_2x64_classic/g' run_hr2day_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/intel/gcc/g' run_hr2day_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/2016182/2015356/g' run_hr2day_12US1.csh
sed -i 's/2016195/2015357/g' run_hr2day_12US1.csh
setenv CMAQ_DATA /fsx/data

#cd $DIR/POST/bldoverlay/scripts

#cp run_bldoverlay.csh run_bldoverlay_12US1.csh
#sed -i 's/Bench_2016_12SE1/2018_12US1_2x64_classic/g' run_bldoverlay_12US1.csh
#sed -i 's/intel/gcc/g' run_bldoverlay_12US1.csh
#sed -i 's/2016-07-01/2015-12-22/g' run_bldoverlay_12US1.csh
#sed -i 's/2016-07-02/2015-12-23/g' run_bldoverlay_12US1.csh
#setenv CMAQ_DATA /fsx/data