2.5. Use ParallelCluster with Software and Data pre-installed for c6a.48xlarge#

Step by step instructions to configuring and running a ParallelCluster for the CMAQ 12US1 benchmark


The CMAQ libraries were installed using the gcc compiler on c6a.large.

2.5.1. Create CMAQ Cluster using SPOT pricing#

Use an existing yaml file from the git repo to create a ParallelCluster

cd /your/local/machine/install/path/

Use a configuration file from the github repo that was cloned to your local machine

git clone -b main https://github.com/CMASCenter/pcluster-cmaq.git pcluster-cmaq

Edit the c6a.large-48xlarge.ebs_unencrypted_installed_public_ubuntu2004.fsx_import.yaml

cd pcluster-cmaq/yaml

vi c6a.large-48xlarge.ebs_unencrypted_installed_public_ubuntu2004.fsx_import.yaml


  1. the c6a.large-48xlarge*.yaml is configured to use SPOT instance pricing for the compute nodes.

  2. the c6a.large-48xlarge*.yaml is configured to the the c6a-48xlarge as the compute node, with up to 10 compute nodes, specified by MaxCount: 10.

  3. the c6a.large-48xlarge*.yaml is configured to disable multithreading (This option restricts the computing to CPUS rather than allowing the use of all virtual CPUS. (192 virtual cpus reduced to 96 cpus)

  4. the c6a.large-48xlarge*.yaml is configured to enable the setting of a placement group to allow low inter-node latency

  5. the c6a.large-48xlarge*.yaml is configured to enables the elastic fabric adapter

  6. given this yaml configuration, the maximum number of PEs that could be used to run CMAQ is 96 cpus x 10 = 960, the max settings for NPCOL, NPROW is NPCOL = 24, NPROW = 40 or NPCOL=40, NPROW=24 in the CMAQ run script. Note: CMAQ does not scale well beyond 2-3 compute nodes.

Replace the key pair and subnet ID in the c6a.large-48xlarge*.yaml file with the values created when you configured the demo cluster

Region: us-east-1
  Os: ubuntu2004
  InstanceType: c6a.large
    SubnetId: subnet-xx-xx-xx           << replace
  DisableSimultaneousMultithreading: true
    KeyName: your_key                     << replace
      Encrypted: true
  Scheduler: slurm
    - Name: queue1
      CapacityType: SPOT
          - subnet-xx-xx-x         x    << replace
          Enabled: true
        - Name: compute-resource-1
          InstanceType: c6a.48xlarge
          MinCount: 0
          MaxCount: 10
          DisableSimultaneousMultithreading: true
            Enabled: true
            GdrSupport: false
  - MountDir: /shared
    Name: ebs-shared
    StorageType: Ebs
      Encrypted: false
      SnapshotId: snap-05a36eeec1f5267bd
  - MountDir: /fsx
    Name: name2
    StorageType: FsxLustre
      StorageCapacity: 1200
      ImportPath: s3://cmas-cmaq/ 

The Yaml file for the c6a.large-48xlarge contains the settings as shown in the following diagram.

Figure 1. Diagram of YAML file used to configure a ParallelCluster with a c6a.large head node and c6a.48xlarge compute nodes using SPOT pricing c6a-48xlarge yaml configuration

(to do!)

2.5.2. Create the c6a.48xlarge pcluster#

pcluster create-cluster --cluster-configuration c6a.large-48xlarge.ebs_unencrypted_installed_public_ubuntu2004.fsx_import.yaml --cluster-name cmaq --region us-east-1

Check on status of cluster

pcluster describe-cluster --region=us-east-1 --cluster-name cmaq

After 5-10 minutes, you see the following status: “clusterStatus”: “CREATE_COMPLETE”

If the cluster fails to start, use the following command to check for an error

pcluster get-cluster-stack-events --cluster-name cmaq --region us-east-1 --query 'events[?resourceStatus==CREATE_FAILED]'

Proceed to the next chapter to login and run CMAQv5.4 on the Parallel Cluster.